Claiming Gambling Losses Irs

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Inrecent times, the number of people who travel to gambling centers orregions where gambling is a lucrative business is on the high side.Reno and some cities of Las Vegas welcome several travelers for thispurpose.

  1. Claiming Gambling Losses Irs Penalties
  2. Claiming Gambling Losses Irs Rules
  3. Claiming Gambling Losses Irs Offset
  4. Claiming Gambling Losses Irs Underpayment
  5. Claiming Gambling Losses In 2018

Surprisingly, gambling losses are tax deductible, but only to the extent of your reported winnings. So as long as you report all of the money you win as taxable income on your tax return, then you can also get a deduction for your losses. The key is that you have to itemize your deductions when it comes to your losses. You can report as much as you lost in 2019, but you cannot deduct more than you won. And you can only do this if you’re itemizing your deductions. If you’re taking the standard deduction, you aren’t eligible to deduct your gambling losses on your tax return, but you are still required to report all of your winnings.

  • The IRS describes gambling losses or winnings quite broadly. In general, these refer to any cash earned or lost in raffles, lotteries, poker and casino games, and sports betting (including horse races). This is good to know—most people assume gambling wins and losses occur only in casinos.
  • You must itemize your deductions to claim your gambling losses as a tax deduction. This means you can’t take the standard deduction for your filing status, which often amounts to more than a taxpayer’s itemized deductions. You’re allowed to deduct losses only up to the amount of the gambling income you claimed.
  • Answer: Yes, you can still deduct gambling losses to the extent of gambling winnings. The deduction of other gambling expenses will also now be limited to gambling winnings. Question: Why haven't.
Claiming Gambling Losses Irs

Justso you know, if you win big while gambling, you do not get to keepevery cent to yourself. Now someone is asking, why? Well, gamblingwinnings are taxable! …it’s as simple as that!

So,just before you embark on any journey for the sole aim of gambling,take some lessons on tax laws relating to gambling and be sure tounderstand every piece of information you find therein just so youavoid the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and its stress.

A little explanation of why gambling income is taxable.

Now,you’ll ask … “is gambling income taxable?” well, don’tstress it, the answer is not far- fetched!

Yes!Gambling income is taxable and just before the smiles on your facedisappears into thin air, there is good news for you as an earner…hang in there!

Unlikenormal income taxes, taxes placed on gambling are constant. That is,not progressive.

So,you have nothing to worry about. Be it winning a $3 million at thepoker table or $1500 at the slot machine. So, when you hit a big one,25% of your big win is to go to whichever game you play.

Plus,you will be provided with an IRS form which is also known as a W2-Gto enable you to report your earnings and winnings to the government.Keep in mind that this threshold depends on the type of game.

Anothersuitable question to ask is this, “do these games report theirgambling earnings? Definitely!

Aquick look at some examples; for specificity, in the casino, in orderfor your winnings to be reported, there is one inevitable thresholdthat should be declined.

Anotherexample is the slot machines; for winnings above $1200, it isrequired of you to report them.

Forthat of horse tracks, winnings that are greater than $600 or that are300 times your initial wager must be reported.

Thecase is not different for bingo as it is similar to the slot machine.Every winning from $1200 should be reported.

Thepoker tournament is no different as every winnings Greater than $5000must be reported.

Inspite of all these, it is not required of Casinos to hold taxes orissue a W2-G that was mentioned earlier in this article to playerswho win big amounts at some table games. For example, roulette,blackjack, craps.

Thereason for this kind of segregated requirement made by the IRS isunknown to us perhaps but known to them.

Froma well-observed point of view, in the table games, a level of skillis required whereas the slot machines are merely a game of chance.So, it is not expected of casinos to ascertain for sure the amountyou begin with when you cash in your chips from a table game.

Nowyou ask, “What happens when a W2-G is not sent to me or whathappens when I do not get a notification? Your question might also beasked in this form… What happens if my taxes are being withheldfrom blackjack winnings?

Beforeyou raise your hands high in the air while smiling thinking you canoutsmart all these, just a gentle reminder, not receiving a W2-G formor having withheld taxes does not relieve you of your duties toreport whatever is been won to the IRS.

Thenext question that should readily come to mind is “what should Ido in cases like this?” It’s simple! Do it yourself! You willsave yourself a whole lot of mess by filing your taxes alongside yourother taxes for the year rather than at the casino where you claimyour winnings.

Now,someone is saying, “oh! I’m a professional gambler, gambling iswhat I do for a living, mine is quite different, how do I report mytax?”

Ifgambling happens to be your real profession then, your revenue willbe tagged as regular earned income hence, it will be taxed at thenormal effective income tax rate of a taxpayer.

Keepin mind that your income and expenses compulsorily must be recordedon Schedule C, if you are self-employed.

Hereis a poser. Ever wondered if individual states tax gambling winnings?Well, to answer the poser, certainly, they do.

Insome states, it is required of gambling winners to claim theirwinnings in the state where they were won irrespective of your placeof domicile. Also, your state of residence will require you to reportyour winnings but, at the same time give a deduction for the taxesthat have already been paid in the non- resident state.

Seemslike we are missing out on something really important which happensto be our big question for this article.

Everthought of what will happen if you do not report your gamblingwinnings? Well, enough of the rambles and mumbles as your eye-rollinghas confirmed the answer. Well, we know it’s a “No” simplybecause when that thought crossed your mind, you waved it off withthe back of your hands.

But,guess what? Dust your rackets as we will be hitting off some balls ofquestions as regards that.

Itis quite easy to shrug off the idea of reporting your gamblingearnings whenever that thought creeps into mind because we all wantto enjoy our bucks without any external force trying to snatch itfrom us.

Sosad! Now might not be a perfect time to let that slide as you do notwant to get involved with the IRS. Bet it could get messier thanimagined.

Aswe all know that the most difficult thing in the world to understand,as stated by Albert Einstein, is the concept of income taxes.

Claiming Gambling Losses Irs Penalties

However,it is pertinent that you report the full amount of your gamblingwinnings as “other income” on line 21 of form 1040 asstated by the IRS. Also, you must distinctly claim your allowablegambling losses.

Itis unknown to many that the IRS does not permit reducing or netting,gambling winnings by gambling losses and just reporting thedifference. Well, it is considered that such a person owes the IRSback taxes, interest and penalties.

Justso you know, gambling losses up to your winnings must be claimed asan itemized deduction on Schedule A, under the heading “othermiscellaneous deductions”. Where the problem lies is that asidesnetting, there are more than 65% of taxpayers who don’t itemize theirdeductions and can’t deduct gambling losses pay more tax on grosswinnings than they won.

Besides,losses accumulated from gambling cannot be moved forward tocounterbalance winnings in another year.


Incase you haven’t heard, the IRS takes a hard line on gambling income.Hence, in an audit, without providing enough documentation, the agentwill fail to believe you’re losing all winnings. That is, you musthave sufficient documentation to prove your loss so, keep your losingtickets alongside all other important documents you’ve got.

Whatwill a proper record-keeping require of you?

Aproper record-keeping will require a date, the type of gamblingactivity or wager, the name of the gambling establishment, theaddress of the gambling business and the number, list of peoplepresent with you plus the inevitable, amount won or lost.

Insome cases, it will be of utmost importance for you to keepsupplements hotel bills, gas cards, and airline tickets just to provethat they were not part of ATM gambling funds.

Sometimes,the IRS fails to take into consideration the credibility of the ATMreceipts forgetting that the ATM cash receipt could have been used topurchase the nondeductible like cinema bills, spa treatment, salon,restaurant meals.

So,we urge you to input all the ATM funds received to fund the gamblingsessions as evidence for your gambling records.

Keepin mind that the IRS kicks against the player’s reward card as it ismost times an ingenuine way to prove gambling loses because othergamblers have used the card.

Youridentity and evidence that you were the only one using the cardshould all be in your gambling records.

Yourgambling log is being supported and given credibility by document andwin-loss reports. So, put your journal to substantiate the player’scard at every gamble.

Inconclusion, we urge you to be careful just in case because manystatements do not provide substantiative evidence simply becauseestimates are being used. Also, do not hesitate to report every ofyour gambling winnings.

Claiming Gambling Losses Irs Rules


© TheStreet Can You Claim Gambling Losses on Your Taxes?

Gambling losses are indeed tax deductible, but only to the extent of your winnings and requires you to report all the money you win as taxable income on your return. The deduction is only available if you itemize your deductions. If you claim the standard deduction, then you can't reduce your tax by your gambling losses.

Don't worry about knowing tax rules, with TurboTax Live, you can connect with a real CPA or EA online from the comfort of your own home for unlimited tax advice and a line-by-line review, backed by a 100% accurate expert approved guarantee.

Keeping track of your winnings and losses

The IRS requires you to keep a log of your winnings and losses as a prerequisite to deducting losses from your winnings. This includes:

Popular Searches

  • lotteries
  • raffles
  • horse and dog races
  • casino games
  • poker games
  • and sports betting

Claiming Gambling Losses Irs Offset

Your records must include:

  • the date and type of gambling you engage in
  • the name and address of the places where you gamble
  • the people you gambled with
  • and the amount you win and lose

Other documentation to prove your losses can include:

Claiming gambling losses irs offset

Claiming Gambling Losses Irs Underpayment

  • Form 5754
  • wagering tickets
  • canceled checks or credit records
  • and receipts from the gambling facility

Limitations on loss deductions

The amount of gambling losses you can deduct can never exceed the winnings you report as income. For example, if you have $5,000 in winnings but $8,000 in losses, your deduction is limited to $5,000. You could not write off the remaining $3,000, or carry it forward to future years.

Reporting gambling losses

To report your gambling losses, you must itemize your income tax deductions on Schedule A. You would typically itemize deductions if your gambling losses plus all other itemized expenses are greater than the standard deduction for your filing status. If you claim the standard deduction,

  • You are still obligated to report and pay tax on all winnings you earn during the year.
  • You will not be able to deduct any of your losses.

Only gambling losses

The IRS does not permit you to simply subtract your losses from your winnings and report your net profit or loss. And if you have a particularly unlucky year, you cannot just deduct your losses without reporting any winnings. If the IRS allowed this, then it's essentially subsidizing taxpayer gambling.

Claiming gambling losses irs deduction

The bottom line is that losing money at a casino or the racetrack does not by itself reduce your tax bill. You need to first owe tax on winnings before a loss deduction is available. Therefore, at best, deducting your losses allows you to avoid paying tax on your winnings, but nothing more.

Claiming Gambling Losses In 2018

This article was originally published by TheStreet.