Sacred 2 Buff Slots

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A character with 1 point in Concentration can use 2 buffs simultaneously. A character with 75 points spent in Concentration can maintain three buffs at once. If you intend to use the BFG as your ranged attack and want either Battle Stance to passively boost your attack/defense or Warding Energy to provide a constant shield (effectively pseudo. In Sacred 2 the term 'Buff' refers to a specific type of Combat Art that affects the player in a positive manner over a period of time. They are Combat Arts that can be 'permanently' active and are indicated in game with the word (BUFF) beside the combat art name. In order to use Buffs they must first be equiped.

  1. Sacred 2 Buff Slots Slot Machine
  2. Sacred 2 Buff Slots Free Play
  3. Sacred 2 Buff Slots Slot
See also: Sacred 2:Map Icons
  • 1Improved Interface

Improved Interface

The Graphical User Interface, or GUI, is newly redesigned for Sacred 2. The GUI was also altered to fit onto the consoles. You can find that information here. Console Interface

GUI Descriptions

The basic parts of the GUI are described below, with a close-up view of each section.

Sacred 2 Buff Slots

1) Health Bar - Shows how much life you have. There is also a Shield Bar that appears alongside this when the Temple Guardian or Seraphim is using an Energy Shield Combat Art/Buff.

2) Experience Bar - Displays your current experience and experience needed for the next level.

3) Level Indicator - Shows your current character level. Also flashes with a '+' (plus sign) when you have leveled up and have new points to allocate. Clicking it will take you to the Character Screen.

Sacred 2 Buff Slots Slot Machine

4) NPC Icons - Icons inside the minimap are NPCs in the nearby vicinity. Icons on the edge of the minimap are NPCs who are further away, and can be found by traveling in their direction.

  • Horse Trader (horseshoe). Purchase a trusty steed here.
  • Merchant (money bag). Buy and sell your items.
  • Rune Master ('runemaster'). Exchange runes for other runes (for a price).
  • Blacksmith (anvil). Forge items and runes into slots.
  • Ship's Captain (ship's wheel). Travel to far-off locations. (Right-click and drag to scroll the map.)

5) Character Arrow - Your character is identified by the green arrow. Opponents are red arrows. (Boss monsters are shown as a triple red arrow.)

6) Quest Pointers - Main quest (orange) and side quest (silver). These show the direction you need to travel to get to your currently active quests. (There is also a character-specific blue quest-line.) Select a quest in your Quest Log to make it active.

7) Minimap Options - The top 'eye' button opens a menu where you can show or hide symbols (such as NPCs) on the map. The bottom 'gear' button opens a menu where you can adjust the Minimap and Tab-map options. (The Tab-map expands from the Minimap when the Tab key is pressed.) Options include size, scale, curvature, translucency, and rotation. The gold 'triangle' button in the corner will show or hide the Minimap.

8) Hero Chest (Player Stash) - Icon (a chest). Store your extra items and access the shared stash here. Found in various locations throughout Ancaria.

9) Questgiver - Icon (? or !). NPCs with a quest for you to do have a blue question mark '?' above them. This is replaced by an exclamation point '!' if you have completed the quest and need to turn it in and collect your reward.

10) Relic Holder - Contains four groups of three relics, but only one group is active at a time. Click a group or press F5-F8 to rotate.

11) Divine Gift - Also called the God Spell. This is an extra Combat Art dependent on your chosen Deity. Press the 'G' key.

12) Weapon Slots - You start with one, and more are obtained as you increase in level, up to a maximum of four slots. Each can hold a weapon (or a weapon and shield, or two weapons if you chose Dual Wield as a skill). Press F1-F4 to switch between them.

13) Potion Slots - Clicking will activate the currently equipped potion. You can drag any potion you choose into these slots if you don't like the default selection. The Space bar still 'drinks' a health potion. All potions will still stack in your inventory, up to 20 per stack.

14) Options Menu - Brings up various adjustable in-game options. You can also just press the 'Escape' key. (Note that you get fewer choices if you're in a game than you do if you're at the loading screen.)

15) Compass - Shows the direction you're facing (East, West, North, or South). Press the 'Z' key to reset your view to North.

16) Quest Arrow - The center pointer shows the direction to travel to the main quest. The silver edge pointer will lead you to your currently activated side quest.

17) Pick up everything in range - Or press the 'Q' key to quickly collect your loot. Works in Single Player and Multiplayer, and has filters which you can set in Options.

18) Combat Art Slots - A maximum of four slots are available to place Combat Arts or Combos. Click a circle or press 1-4 to switch between them. Right-click to use the selected CA.

Sacred 2 buff slots no deposit

19) Character Controls - Clockwise from pointer:

  • Inventory Screen - (helmet) Displays inventory, gear, statistics, and various other information. Press the 'F' key.
  • Character Screen - (eye) Allows you to assign attributes and skill points, and shows your latest opponent. Press the 'C' key.
  • Combat Art/Combo Screen - (lightning bolt) Allows you to see which Combat Arts you have chosen, and modify them or create Combos. Press the 'E' key.
  • Quest Log - (book) Shows a list of your quests, as well as allowing you to read books you have found. Press the 'L' key.
  • World Map - (map) Significant improvement; displays all quests, merchants, etc., with options to display more or less info. It starts off grayscale and gets colored in as you explore. Press the 'M' key. (Click middle mouse button or wheel while in this map to display a scrollable Tab-map. Right click and drag to scroll; mouse wheel zooms.)

20) Buff Slots - A maximum of three simultaneous buffs is allowed. You start off with one. Choosing the Concentration skill will allow you a second, and then getting mastery (75 points in Concentration) will give you the third. Press 5, 6, or 7 to activate.

21) Mount Button - Click to call your mount or mount/dismount. When you have your mount, you may choose from either a small horse icon (if you have a horse), or a special icon (if you have your character-specific mount). Press '0' (zero).


  • Holding the 'Alt' key will display items on the ground, as well as showing a comparison of equipped items to those in your inventory or at a merchant.
  • Ctrl-Click will quick-sell an item to a merchant. Can be used when not at a merchant to 'sell' items at a reduced price.
  • The Runemaster and Blacksmith have limited items for sale, but will buy any item from you.
  • F12 will transport you to your last activated Resurrection shrine (Single Player) or to the starting island (Multiplayer).
  • Keybindings can be changed in options.

Console Games

The GUI for console games is quite different than the interface shown here.

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  • 4Removing Buffs
In Sacred 2 the term 'Buff' refers to a specific type of Combat Art that affects the player in a positive manner over a period of time. They are Combat Arts that can be 'permanently' active and are indicated in game with the word (BUFF) beside the combat art name. In order to use Buffs they must first be equiped. Left click on a Buff from the Combat Arts window, (Push 'E'), and drag it onto the first Buff slot on the interface to the bottom right of the screen. When a Buff is equipped it can be activated by left clicking on it's Buff slot icon. They remain active until switched off. Some enemies in game have the ability to disable a player's buffs such as the White Griffin's or a champion Dark Fairies lightening attack. This is typically referred to as a 'De-Buff'(de=deactivate).

At the start of the game only the 1st Buff slot is available on the bottom right hand interface. Players can increase the number of Buffs they can have active at the same time by choosing the skillConcentration. When choosing Concentration for the first time a player will immediately gain the 2nd Buff slot in the bottom right interface. By putting points into Concentration a 3rd Buff slot will be granted when achieving Concentration Mastery at skill level 75.

Permanent Buffs are a convenient way to improve a character's abilities in battle but also come at a cost. Permanent Buffs have a penalty associated to them that cause all Combat Arts to regenerate more slowly making normal Combat Art timers take longer to complete. The more Permanent Buffs a character has active the greater the penalty will be. One exception however is the High Elf's Grand Invigoration Buff which does not cause a regeneration penalty. In addition to multiple Buffs increasing the penalty, increasing the level of the Buff by reading Runes will also increase the penalty. There are many ways to reduce this penalty and it is up to the player to find a balance between benefit and penalty of Buffs. Increasing Stamina, Concentration or Focus, forgingitem modifiers like Chance to halve Regeneration time, using items with the modifier Regeneration Penalty from Buffs and even the Blacksmith Art Enhance are but a few of the ways that can reduce the penalty caused by Permanent Buffs, either by affecting the penalty directly or by reducing overall Combat Art timers.

Buff slots interface

Permanent Buffs

Each of the character aspects contain 5 Combat Arts and within each aspect one Buff exists in most cases. Exceptions to this rule are; The High Elf's Arrant Pyromancer aspect contains 2 Buffs, the Temple Guardian's Lost Fusion aspect does not contain a Buff and the Seraphim's Revered Technology aspect contains 2 Buffs.


Sinister Predator - Capricious Hunter

Moribund Animus - Cabalistic Voodoo

Ancient Bark - Nature Weaver

High Elf

Fire Demon - Arrant Pyromancer

Incandescent Skin - Arrant Pyromancer

Crystal Skin - Mystic Stormite

Grand Invigoration - Delphic Arcania


Purifying Chastisement - Gruesome Inquisition

Reverse Polarity - Astute Supremacy

Soul Reaver - Nefarious Netherworld


Battle Stance - Exalted Warrior

Cleansing Brilliance - Celestial Magic

BeeEffGee - Revered Technology

Warding Energy - Revered Technology

Shadow Warrior

Grim Resilience - Death Warrior

Reflective Emanation - Malevolent Champion

Nether Allegiance - Astral Lord

Temple Guardian

T-Energy Shroud - Devout Guardian

Untouchable Force - Source Warden

Note:Lost Fusion does not have a Buff.

Dragon Mage

Familiar - Dragon Magic

Protector - Elemental Magic

Runes of Protection - Mentalism

Temporary Buffs

Temporary Buffs are Combat Arts that increase a character's stats and remain active for a specifc amount of time. Some can be upgraded into Permanent Buffs through modifications. Because they often have long durations, most temporary buffs have a Cooldown in addition to their regeneration time.

Dragon Mage

Dragon Berserk - Dragon Magic

Dragon Form - Dragon Magic

Combat Trance - Mentalism


Dust Devil - Capricious Hunter

Goldenglade Touch - Nature Weaver

Acute Mind - Nature Weaver

High Elf

Cascading Shroud - Mystic Stormite


Frenetic Fervor - Gruesome Inquisition

Zealous Doppelganger (Upgradeable) - Astute Supremacy

Temple Guardian

Combat Alert (Upgradeable) - Devout Guardian

Charged Grid - Source Warden


Dashing Alacrity - Exalted Warrior

Hallowed Restoration - Celestial Magic

Divine Protection - Revered Technology

Shadow Warrior

Rousing Command - Death Warrior

Augmenting Guidon - Malevolent Champion

Killing Spree - Malevolent Champion

Shadow Veil (Upgradeable) - Astral Lord


Ruinous Onslaught - Death Warrior

Ruinous Onslaught can appear like a buff at times. It is designed for use against an enemy target for which it causes the Shadow Warrior to charge into the enemy and do damage or as a quick escape from enemy damage. Since it does not allow concurrent actions Ruinous Onslaught is not strategically a buff. When active the Shadow Warrior can not perform any other action except to run in order to maintain its effect which lasts a very brief time of less than 10 seconds (although while mounted on the Hellhound it has an unlimited duration). It is a great way to temporarily increase the Shadow Warrior's run speed in order to cover more ground. However, as soon as the Shadow Warrior stops moving or bumps into something Ruinous Onslaught will abruptly end it's effects.

Removing Buffs

Some examples of things which may remove buffs in the game are:

- selected traps (Abishai summons them for example)
- chain ice lightning (some champions and White Griffin)
- CAs (Combat Arts) of the some characters such as 'Archimedes Beam' with gold 'Annul' modification, Expulse magic, Dryad's Black Curse with gold 'Dispel' modification.

If the character has a chance to blockreflect combat arts, then successfully hitting from the chain lightning does not necessarily mean that all of buffs will be removed. For each attempt to remove buff (lightning may remove from 1 to 3 buffs, it depends on the level of CA) chance to blockreflect is calculated anew: lightning, successfully passed the test on the blockreflection, can cause damage, but don't remove any buff or only onetwo of them. Buff is removed in reverse order from the third buff slot to the first.

Removing buffs by Expulse Magic can not be blockedreflected, Expulse Magic doesn't save character from removing the buffs by enemy's EM circle. (see more about removing buffs mechanics in players contributed guides section)

Sacred 2 Buff Slots Free Play

Regeneration Penalty

Buffs use following modifier to descrease their penalty:


For example, you have a total penalty from buffs of 100%, and a regeneration time of the CA is 3 seconds:

The final regeneration time for the CA = 3 * ( 1 + 1 ) = 6 seconds;

And now let's increase stamina to set modifier in 2 times lower than before: there were 125 points in stamina (modifier 0.5) - will be 325 points (modifier 0.25). Will be the final total regeneration time in 2 times less?

The regeneration time for the CA = 3 * 0,5 * ( 1 + 1 * 0,5 ) = 1,5 * 1,5 = 2,25
6 / 2.25= 2.67
This is almost three times less, not two!

Sacred 2 Buff Slots Slot

This suggests that the more buffs character uses (and a greater penalty from buffs they give), the more value of each point in stamina.

See Also

  • All combat arts as Item Modifier
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